Frequently Asked Questions

What is your refund policy? Customers can receive a full refund if they cancel their order before it goes into production. For custom-made products, refunds are provided only if the product does not meet the specified requirements or is defective.

How do you handle deliveries? We ship goods across the USA and to selected international destinations. Orders typically ship within 5-10 business days after production. Expedited shipping options are available upon request.

What is the typical production time for orders? Production times vary by product, but generally range from 5 to 15 business days after artwork approval. Rush production options are available for select items, which can expedite the process to as little as 24 hours, subject to additional fees.

Can I return purchased goods? Returns are accepted for defective or incorrect items received. Customers must report any issues within 7 days of delivery to qualify for a return or exchange.

What is your cancellation policy? Orders can be canceled free of charge before production begins. Once production has started, we may charge a cancellation fee to cover the costs incurred.

What are the payment options available? We accept payments via major credit cards and bank transfers. Payment must be completed before production begins.

Is there a minimum order quantity? Minimum order quantities vary depending on the product. Details are provided on the individual product pages or you can contact our sales team for specific information.

How can I track my order? Once your order has shipped, we will send you a tracking number via email. You can use this number to check the status of your delivery on the carrier’s website.

What should I do if I receive the wrong product? If you receive a product different from the one you ordered, please contact us within 48 hours of delivery so we can arrange a return and replace the item at no extra cost to you.

Can I request samples before placing a bulk order? Yes, we offer samples for most of our products. You can request samples through our website or by contacting our sales team. Some samples may be free, while others might require a fee, which could be credited toward your subsequent order.

What types of artwork files do you accept? We accept artwork in various formats, including EPS, AI or PDF. Vector files are preferred for most products to ensure the highest quality print.

How should I prepare my artwork for submission? Please ensure your artwork is at least 300 DPI and in the correct dimensions for the product. Include all fonts or outline text to avoid any font substitution.

Can I get help with my artwork? Yes, our design team is available to assist you with artwork adjustments. We can help ensure your files are optimized for print and meet all necessary specifications.

What happens if there’s an issue with my submitted artwork? If there’s a problem with your artwork, we’ll contact you to discuss alternatives. You might need to provide new files or approve adjustments made by our design team.